Feb 12, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Exam Equivalency - Advanced Placement (AP)

Exam Title Exam Score 5 Exam Score 4 Exam Score 3
Art History ART 130  and ART 131   ART 130  and ART 131   ART 130  or ART 131  
2-D Art and Design  ART 115   ART 115   not accepted
3-D Art and Design ART 120   ART 120   not accepted
Drawing  ART 110   ART 110   not accepted
Biology BIO 181IN  and BIO 182IN   BIO 181IN  and BIO 182IN   BIO 100IN  

Calculus AB

MAT 220   MAT 220   MAT 220  

Calculus BC

MAT 220  and MAT 231   MAT 220  and MAT 231   MAT 220  
Chemistry CHM 151IN  and CHM 152IN    CHM 151IN   not accepted
Chinese Language and Culture CHI 101  and CHI 102   CHI 101  and CHI 102    CHI 101  and CHI 102  
Comparative Government and Politics POS 204   POS 204   not accepted
Computer Science A CIS 131   CIS 131   not accepted
Computer Science Principles CIS 129   CIS 129   CIS 129  

English Language and Composition

WRT 101  or 3 elective credits WRT 101  or 3 elective credits not accepted

English Literature and Composition

WRT 101  or 3 elective credits WRT 101  or 3 elective credits not accepted
Enviormental Science  3 elective Credits  3 elective Credits  not accepted
European History  HIS 101  and HIS 102   HIS 101  and HIS 102   not accepted
French Language and Culture  FRE 101 FRE 102 FRE 201  and FRE 202   FRE 101 FRE 102  and FRE 201   FRE 101  and FRE 102  
German Language and Culture GER 101 GER 102 GER 201  and GER 202   GER 101 GER 102  and GER 201   GER 101  and GER 102  
Human Geography  GEO 103   GEO 103   not accepted
Italian Lanuage and Culture   16 second language credits  12 second lanuage credits  8 Second Language credits
Japanese Language and Culture JPN 101 JPN 102  , JPN 201 , and JPN 202   JPN 101 JPN 102 , and JPN 201   JPN 101 , and JPN 102  
Latin 8 second language credits  8 second language credits  8 second language credits 
Macroeconomics ECN 202   ECN 202   not accepted
Microeconomics ECN 201   ECN 201   not accepted
Music Theory MUS 125  and MUS 127   MUS 125  and MUS 127  not accepted

Physics 1

PHY 121IN   PHY 121IN   not accepted

Physics 2

PHY 122IN   PHY 122IN   not accepted

Physics C - Electricity and Magnetism

PHY 122IN   PHY 122IN   PHY 122IN  

Physics C - Mechanics 

PHY 121IN   PHY 121IN   PHY 121IN  
Psychology  PSY 101   PSY 101   not accepted
Research  3 elective credits 3 elective credits 3 elective credits
Seminar 3 elective credits 3 elective credits 3 elective credits
Spanish Language  SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201 SPA 202 , and SPA 251    SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201 SPA 202 , and SPA 251   SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201 , and SPA 202  
Spanish Literature and Culture  SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201 SPA 202 , and SPA 251    SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201 SPA 202 , and SPA 251    SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201 , and SPA 202   
Statistics MAT 167   MAT 167   MAT 167  
US Government and Politics POS 201   POS 201   not accepted
US History  HIS 141  and HIS 142   HIS 141  and HIS 142   not accepted
World History HIS 104   HIS 104   not accepted