Feb 15, 2025
2024-2025 College Catalog
AJS 265 - Issues in Administration of Justice 1 Credits, 2 Contact Hours .5 lecture periods 1.5 lab periods Capstone course for the Administration of Justice Studies program. Students wishing to receive an Associate of Arts degree in Administration of Justice Studies, must successfully complete the projects that encompass the competencies assigned to the six AJS program outcomes.
Prerequisite(s): AJS 101 , AJS 109 , AJS 115 , AJS 124 , AJS 204 , AJS 225 or concurrent enrollment. Information: Completion of all core AJS courses is required before enrolling in this course. Student may repeat course until passing. If this course is repeated see a financial aid or Veteran’s Affairs advisor to determine funding eligibility as appropriate. Application and acceptance to program is required.

Course Learning Outcomes
- Write professional reports and papers with a high level of English language mastery.
- Apply interpersonal skills in interactions within the Administration of Justice (AJS) field.
- Apply methods of oral and written communication to effectively convey well reasoned/supported arguments and justice concepts.
- Demonstrate understanding and correctly apply the law, rules of law and legal procedures.
- Demonstrate mastery of investigative techniques.
- Demonstrate critical thinking in the criminal justice environment.
- Write professional reports and paper with a high level of English language mastery
- Write a problem-solving paper
- Write a case brief and analysis of a Supreme Court opinion
- Write incident and narrative reports
- Apply interpersonal skills in interactions within the Administration of Justice field
- Build rapport
- Guide a conversation using elicitation techniques
- Interview and/or depose a witness
- Dialogue constructively with diverse Justice stakeholders
- Confidently present self in professional settings
- Testify in a mock trial scenario
- Respond confidently and professionally in a mock oral board
- Teach or train co-workers/classmates
- Perform functions other than witness in a mock trial scenario
- Correctly apply the law, rules of law and legal procedures
- Apply criminal law to fact patters and investigations
- Apply rules of evidence to fact patterns
- Apply criminal procedures and elements of the U.S. Constitution to fact patterns
- Demonstrate an understanding of victim’s rights
- Demonstrate an understanding of case flow from beginning to end
- Demonstrate an understanding of due process and rule of law
- Demonstrate mastery of investigative techniques
- Observe and memorize details
- Take accurate and complete field notes
- Collect and record physical evidence
- Process a crime scene
- Determine the theory of a crime
- Conduct a follow-up investigation
- Demonstrate critical thinking in the criminal justice environment
- Balance causation of criminality with accountability
- Demonstrate how evidence is admitted or excluded in court
- Interpret policy and procedures
- Articulate how crime affects victims, families, inmates, employers
- Demonstrate the impact of a justice professional’s actions
- Propose a solution to a problem within the criminal justice system
Effective Term: Full Academic Year 2018/19