Feb 12, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog 
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 201IH - Human Anatomy, Physiology and Histology

4 Credits, 6 Contact Hours
3 lecture periods 3 lab periods

Structure and function of the body. Includes introduction to the scientific process, scientific measurements, laboratory techniques such as microscope use, levels of organization, chemistry as applied to physiology, cell biology, gene regulation, homeostasis, anatomical terms, integumentary system, skeletal system and articulations, muscular and nervous systems, and special senses, as well as histology of these systems.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MAT 092  or MAT 097  or placement into MAT 142  or MAT 151 ; and REA 091   or placement into REA 112 ; and WRT 090  or WRT 096 with a grade of C or better or placement into WRT 101 .
Recommendation: One year of general high school biology with a grade of B or better; if student has not completed high school biology with a grade of B or better, it is recommended to register for BIO 156IN  and BIO 201IN  instead of BIO 201IH. If any recommended course is taken, see a financial aid or Veteran’s Advisor to determine funding eligibility as appropriate.
Information: This course combines elements from BIO 156IN  and meets the prerequisites for BIO 202IN .
Gen-Ed: Meets AGEC - SCI; Meets CTE - M&S.

Button linking to AZ Transfer course equivalency guide  

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and the safe, correct use of materials, equipment and procedures in the biology laboratory.
  2. Identify anatomical structures of organ systems. 
  3. Describe physiological functions of organ systems.
  4. Discuss selected homeostatic mechanisms and their effects on organ systems. 

Performance Objectives:
  1. Explain the scientific method and demonstrate the ability to safely perform biological laboratory techniques including light microscopy.
  2. Explain the levels of organization of the human body, the general functions of the 11 organ systems, the importance of homeostasis, and the homeostatic mechanisms involved in maintaining normal physiological limits.
  3. Describe chemistry and biochemistry as it relates to the structure, function, and physiology including energy metabolism of cells, tissues and organ systems.
  4. Describe cell biology, including function and gene regulation as it relates to physiology.
  5. Use anatomical terms to describe body regions, sections, cavities, and relative positions.   
  6. Identify the structures of the integumentary system and describe their functions.
  7. Identify the structures of the skeletal system and describe their functions.
  8. Classify the joints of the body and describe their structures and functions.
  9. Identify the structures of the muscular system and describe their functions.
  10. Identify the structures of the nervous system and describe their functions.
  11. Identify the structures of the special senses and describe their functions.

  1. Scientific Process and Scientific Experimentation
  2. Scientific Measurement and Laboratory Techniques
    1. Metric system
    2. Microscopy
    3. Laboratory safety
  3. Levels of Biological Organization
    1. Taxonomy
    2. Essential features of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  4. Principles of Homeostasis                
  5. Principles of Chemistry as Applied to Physiology
    1. Basic general chemistry including bonding, pH, and water
    2. Macromolecules
    3. Enzymes
    4. DNA
  6. Cellular Level of Organization
    1. Introduction to cell biology
    2. Membrane transport
    3. Cell cytoplasm
    4. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
    5. The nucleus and regulation of gene expression
  7. Anatomical Terms
    1. Body regions, sections and relative positions
    2. Body cavities 
  8. Integumentary System
    1. Functions of the integumentary system
    2. Structures and functions of the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, and selected skin derivatives
    3. Homeostatic mechanisms of the skin, including thermoregulation
    4. Skin repair in response to injury
  9. Skeletal System
    1. Classification of bones
    2. Long and flat bone structure
    3. Bone and cartilage histology
    4. Physiology of bone formation, growth and remodeling
    5. Bone’s role in calcium homeostasis
    6. Exercise and the skeletal system 
    7. Identification of selected human bones and their markings 
  10. Articulations
    1. Classification of joints
    2. Structure and function of a synovial joint
    3. Structures and functions of selected articulations
  11. Muscular System
    1. Muscle histology
    2. Sarcomeres and the sliding filament theory
    3. Neuromuscular junction and nerve stimulation
    4. Muscle physiology and regulatory responses to exercise
    5. Homeostatic mechanisms of muscles and muscle tissue, including thermoregulation
    6. Identification of selected muscles and their origins, insertions and actions 
  12. Nervous System  
    1. Divisions of the nervous system
    2. Neuron structures and neurophysiology, including resting, graded and action potentials, and neural integration
    3. Synapse structure and function, including neurotransmitters
    4. Selected brain structures and their functions
    5. Spinal cord structures and their functions
    6. Reflex arc and spinal reflexes
    7. Cranial nerves and selected spinal nerves
    8. Sensory, motor and integrative pathways
  13. Autonomic Nervous System
    1. Selected structures in the autonomic nervous system and their functions
    2. ANS control and homeostasis
  14. Special Senses
    1. The anatomical structures involved with vision, hearing and equilibrium, olfaction, and gustation
    2. Special senses, mechanisms and physiology

Effective Term:
Fall 2022