Sep 18, 2024  
2023-2024 College Catalog 
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 156IN - Intro Biology Allied Health

4 Credits, 6 Contact Hours
3 lecture periods 3 lab periods

Introductory Biology for Allied Health Introduction to biology for the health professions. Includes principles of science, scientific measurement and laboratory techniques, chemistry of life, cell anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, patterns of inheritances and human tissues.

Recommendation: Completion of CHM 130IN  before enrolling in this course. If any recommended course is taken, see a financial aid or Veteran’s Affairs advisor to determine funding eligibility as appropriate.
Gen-Ed: Meets AGEC - SCI; Meets CTE - M&S.

Button linking to AZ Transfer course equivalency guide  

Course Learning Outcomes
1.   Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and the safe, correct use of materials, equipment, and procedures in the biology laboratory.

2.   Identify the structures and describe the functions of organisms at the molecular, cellular, and histological levels.

Performance Objectives:
1. Perform activities to demonstrate improvement in the general education goals of communication and critical thinking.

2. Demonstrate biology study skills necessary for anatomy and physiology.

3. Identify key components of the scientific method and apply the scientific process. 

4. Demonstrate the ability to safely use biological laboratory techniques.

5. Demonstrate the correct use of a light microscope, metric tools for measuring length, mass, and volume, and laboratory safety skills.

6. Describe and give examples of life’s hierarchy of organization.

7. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 

8. Explain the basic chemical processes of life. 

9. Describe the four categories of “macromolecules” and why each is important for cellular structure and functions. 

10. Explain how enzymes function.

11. Describe the structure of the cellular organelles and how each functions. 

12. Describe specifically membrane transport mechanisms, protein synthesis and packaging, and anaerobic and aerobic cellular respiration.

13. Describe the cell cycle and the purposes, products, and processes of mitosis and meiosis.

14. Explain how genes are expressed and inherited, and the molecular biology of gene expression.

15. Describe the principles of Mendelian Genetics.

16. Describe and give examples of the primary human tissues, and where in the body each can be found.

17. Explain how a fertilized egg develops into an early embryo and describe the fates of the three primary germ layers. (Optional)

  1. Principles of Science
    1. Scientific process and scientific experimentation
    2. Analyzing and reporting results
  2. Scientific Measurement and Laboratory Techniques
    1. Light microscopy
    2. Metric measurements
    3. Laboratory safety skills
  3. Introduction to Biology
    1. Levels of organization (life’s hierarchy)
    2. Cellular diversity (prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells)
  4. Chemistry of Life
    1. Basic general chemistry
    2. Macromolecules
      1. Carbohydrates
      2. Lipids
      3. Proteins
      4. Nucleic Acids
    3. Enzymes and energy
    4. Metabolism
  5. Cell Anatomy and Physiology
    1. Cell membrane and transport mechanisms
    2. Organelle structure and function
      1. Nucleus
      2. Ribosomes and protein synthesis (transcription and translation)
      3. Endomembrane system
      4. Mitochondria and cellular respiration
      5. Cytoskeleton
  6. Cellular Reproduction
    1. Cell cycle
    2. DNA replication
    3. Mitosis
    4. Meiosis
  7. Patterns of Inheritances
    1. Molecular biology
    2. Mendelian genetics
  8. Human Tissues
    1. Epithelium
    2. Connective tissue
    3. Muscular tissue
    4. Nervous tissue
  9. Embryonic Development (Optional)
    1. Fertilization
    2. Blastulation
    3. Gastrulation

Effective Term:
Fall 2016