Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog 
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

WRT 101 - English Composition I [SUN# ENG 1101]

3 Credits, 3 Contact Hours
3 lecture periods 0 lab periods

Principles and practices of college-level writing. Includes critically reading college texts, writing college-level essays using a variety of strategies, practicing diverse writing processes, and using research effectively.

Prerequisite(s): Requires both Reading and Writing prerequisites. Reading: REA 091  or concurrent enrollment, or placement into REA 112 . Writing: WRT 090  or with a B or better ESL 088WG , or placement into WRT 101.
Gen-Ed: Meets AGEC - ENGL; Meets CTE - COMM.

Button linking to AZ Transfer course equivalency guide    button image Prior Learning and link to PLA webpage

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Critically read texts to analyze and respond to texts.
  2. Write college-level essays using strategies such as summary, reflection, analysis, and argument. 
  3. Practice writing processes including prewriting, drafting, revising, peer reviewing, editing, and proofreading to produce college-level essays. 
  4. Use research effectively.

  1. Critically Ready Texts to Analyze and Respond to Texts
    1. Analyze text at a literal level
      1. Determine main idea, supporting details, and patterns of organization
      2. Practice reading strategies such as previewing, contextualizing, reflecting, and summarizing
    2. Analyze and respond to text at an interpretive level and make inferences and draw conclusions  
    3. Analyze and respond to text at a critical and rhetorical level
      1. Analyze author’s argument
      2. Identify assumptions and biases
      3. Make personal connection and express opinions in relation to a text
      4. Read texts from multiple points of view
      5. Practice critical thinking strategies such as synthesizing, critiquing, and analyzing when reading texts
      6. Analyze the rhetorical situation of a text
      7. Analyze an author’s use of rhetorical strategies within a text
  2. Write College-Level Essays Using Strategies Such as Summary, Reflection, Analysis, and Argument
    1. Respond in writing to texts that put the writer’s ideas in conversation with those texts  
    2. Write several college-level essays that
      1. Unify ideas around a thesis
      2. Organize and develop ideas logically to produce coherent and cohesive text
      3. Master basic essay components
        1. Introductions and conclusions
        2. Theses/claims
        3. Body paragraphs including claims, evidence, and explanation
      4. Employ argument and persuasion in thesis claim and development
      5. Use rhetorical strategies to persuade readers
      6. Adapt writing to diverse audiences
      7. Integrate own ideas with others’
      8. Use technology strategically to enhance the author’s purpose
      9. Adapt writing for changing electronic environments
      10. Use outside sources responsibly and appropriately to avoid plagiarism
      11. Use of a minimum of four sources, properly documented, in at least one essay
      12. Use standard grammar and mechanics
      13. Use MLA and/or APA documentation format
    3. Word count – produce final polished writing totaling at least 3.500 words
  3. Practice Writing Processes Including Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Peer Reviewing, Editing, and Proofreading to Produce College-Level Essays
    1. Engage in multiple strategies and stages of writing
    2. Reflect on writing progress and process
    3. Use feedback to address higher-order and lower-order concerns in writing
    4. Engage in recursive processes to strengthen writing outcomes
  4. Locate, Evaluate, and Use Research Effectively
    1. Determine the extent of information needed  
    2. Access the needed information including digital sources
    3. Evaluate information and its sources critically
    4. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
    5. Access and use information legally and ethically

Effective Term:
Fall 2023