2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SSE 160 - Youth Services and Child Abuse 3 Credits, 3 Contact Hours 3 lecture periods 0 lab periods
Introduction to the field of youth services as offered through voluntary youth organizations, social service and child welfare agencies, juvenile detention and correctional agencies and community health care agencies. Includes services for abused and neglected children, dependent and emancipated children, delinquent children, special needs youth, and practice issues and prevention in youth services. Covers a variety of topics including historical and cultural perspectives on child rearing; child development; family composition and dynamics; assessing and identifying important childhood risk factors and behaviors; short-term and long-term effects of adverse childhood experiences; and intervention and prevention techniques.

Course Learning Outcomes
- Compare common child and adolescent behaviors observed in a natural environment with child development theories, including behavior modification interventions to address common behavioral issues (e.g., lack of attention, not listening, social disengagement, aggressive behavior, not eating well, etc.). (Council on Social Work Education [CSWE] Competencies 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8)
- Identify the scope and nature of child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences, including cultural considerations, dynamics, risk factors, short and long-term effects during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, and their impact on society as a whole. (CSWE Competencies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
- Identify key aspects of social workers’ intervention strategies and methods, including child and family assessments, working with parents and families, individual play therapy and group work with children. (Council on Social Work Education Competencies [CSWE] 1, 6, 7 and 8)
- Identify the basic legal principles applicable to child abuse, and the professional roles, processes, and services involved in the identification, intervention, investigation, adjudication, treatment, and case management of child abuse situations, including analyzing cases for risk assessment, intervention and services. (CSWE Competencies 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
- Analyze current research and trends regarding issues that impact children and youth, such as teen pregnancy, school dropout, substance abuse, foster families, grief and loss, suicide, domestic violence, bullying, and cultural considerations, including applicability to social work practice and organizations that address these needs. (CSWE Competencies 1, 2 and 3, 4)
Performance Objectives:
- Describe the normal developmental needs of children and youth.
- Describe the role of family, culture, community, and society in meeting the needs of children and adolescents.
- Explain the scope and nature of child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences historically and in contemporary society, including the dynamics, value conflicts, risk factors, signs and symptoms of these adverse experiences in the context of the family system.
- Identify the special needs of abused, neglected dependent, emancipated, delinquent, and special needs children and youth and societal efforts to address those needs historically and contemporarily
- Identify the basic legal principles and criminal justice system responses to child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences.
- Describe the role of social service and child welfare agencies, voluntary youth organizations juvenile detention and correctional agencies, and community health care agencies in meeting the needs of developing children and adolescents, abused, neglected, dependent, emancipated, delinquent, and special needs children and adolescents.
- Identify roles for professionals and paraprofessionals within social service and child welfare agencies, voluntary youth organizations and community health care agencies, and delineate the skills and training necessary for effectively filling those roles.
- Describe professional values in youth services, and identify boundary issues, ethical and unethical behaviors in working with children and youth.
- Identify local child and youth serving agencies and organizations.
- Describe the importance of prevention, and the need to develop policies and programs which strengthen healthy families and communities to support youth.
- Explain the role of cultural competence and its importance in working with youth.
- Demonstrate the entry level skills necessary to work with youth in a variety of settings, including skills in behavior management, limit setting, discipline, structuring activities, documentation, case management, group work, and initiating community responses.
- Youth Services for Children and Adolescents
- The normal developmental needs of youth
- Attachment and resiliency in youth
- The role of family and other individuals and groups in meeting the needs of youth
- The role of ethnic and cultural values in meeting the needs of youth
- The role of community and society in meeting the needs of youth
- The role of voluntary youth organizations in our society in meeting the needs of youth
- Professional and paraprofessional roles of youth workers
- Survey of skills and training for youth workers in voluntary youth organizations
- Youth Services for Abused and Neglected Children and Adolescents
- The social and legal history of child maltreatment
- The understanding of child abuse and neglect in the context of family and group systems
- The short-term and long-term impacts of child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences on human development through the life cycle
- Analyzing the dynamics, identifying symptoms and assessing risks of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional and psychological maltreatment of children
- Professional and paraprofessional roles for youth workers including identification, reporting, investigation, criminal justice system, case management, and treatment.
- The prevention of child abuse and neglect
- Youth Services for Dependent Children anddolescents
- The social and legal history of dependency
- The challenges in families with dependent youth
- The special needs of dependent youth
- The role of social services and child welfare agencies in meeting needs of dependent youth
- Professional and paraprofessional roles for youth workers
- Survey of skills and training for youth workers in social service and child welfare agencies
- Youth Services for Delinquent Children and Adolescents
- The social and legal history of delinquency
- The challenges in families with delinquent youth
- The special needs of delinquent youth
- The role of juvenile detention and correctional agencies in meeting the needs of delinquent youth
- Professional and paraprofessional roles for youth workers
- Survey of skills and training for youth workers in detention and correctional agencies
- Youth Services for Challenged and Special Needs Youth
- The social and legal history of youth with disabilities and challenges
- The challenges in families with challenged youth
- The needs of challenged youth
- Youth with other special needs including addictions, teen pregnancy, suicide, domestic violence, gang affiliation, and bullying and harassment.
- The role of community agencies in meeting the needs of challenged and special needs youth
- Professional and paraprofessional roles for youth workers
- Survey of skills and training for youth workers in community agencies serving challenged youth
- Practice Issues in Youth Services
- Building relationships with youth, at risk youth, families of youth, and with the community
- Partnering with parents, caregivers, and other individuals involved in raising youth
- Conducting child-centered assessments
- Therapeutic conversations with children and adolescents
- Play and expressive therapies
- Values and ethics in youth services
- Working with youth in community based services and in out-of-home placements
- Survey of local agencies serving abused and neglected youth, dependent youth, delinquent youth, and special needs youth
- Visits to local youth serving organizations and agencies
- Prevention in Youth Services
- Strengthening communities to meet needs of youth
- Strengthening families to meet the needs of youth
- National, state, and local policies impacting youth, and policy implications
- Program development