2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MDA 124 - Medical Terminology for Medical Professionals 3 Credits, 3 Contact Hours 3 lecture periods 0 lab periods
Introductory course in medical terminology concentrating on the accurate pronunciation and usage of terms and building knowledge of basic medical vocabulary with an emphasis on prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining vowels. Also includes anatomical, physiological, and pathological terminology that is applied in the context of electronic health records.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Identify structures and describe functions of each of the body systems.
- Identify basic terms used in documenting a history, physical, assessment, and plan as part of quality clinical care.
- Build and define medical words from their component word parts.
- Model proper usage and pronunciation of medical terminology.
Intro to Medical Terminology
A. Latin and Greek Origin
B. Component parts, prefixes, and suffixes
C. Building medical words
D. Spelling and Pronunciations
E. Body Systems
1. Planes
2. Directional terms
3. Quadrants
F. Concepts of Effective Communication
- Elements of fundamental writing and oral communication
- Applications of electronic technology in professional communication
- Nonverbal communication responses
- Patient Education
- Communication with the Medical Professional Team
II. Introduction to Electronic Health Records
A. Common documentation structures
B. Types of Health Records
C. Abbreviations
- Healthcare Facility
- Symbols
- Abbreviations common to health records
- Timing and frequency-based abbreviations
III. The Integumentary System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
IV. The Musculoskeletal System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
V. The Nervous System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
VI. The Sensory System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
VII. The Endocrine System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
VIII. The Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
IX. The Cardiovascular System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
X. The Respiratory System
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
XI. The Digestive and Urinary Systems
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations
XII. Reproductive Systems
A. Word Parts
B. Patient History
C. Observation and Discovery
D. Diagnosis and Pathology
E. Treatment and Therapies
F. Abbreviations