Dec 26, 2024  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

JRN 101 - Introduction to Reporting and Media Writing [SUN# JRN 2201]

3 Credits, 3 Contact Hours
3 lecture periods 0 lab periods

Introduction to storytelling in a variety of news media contexts and platforms. Includes journalism as a career, the journalist and the organization of the newsroom, defining news, news style, elements of a news story, fundamentals of writing news, and news gathering and reporting. Also includes organizing and writing the story, revision of stories, and ethics, libel and media law.

Prerequisite(s): WRT 090  or required score on the writing assessment test.
Gen-Ed: Meets CTE - Options.

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply news values and evaluate news coverage.
  2. Display news-gathering, research, note-taking, and interviewing skills.
  3. Apply Associated Press style in the writing of a variety of stories.
  4. Apply the principles of ethics and media law.

  1. Defining News
    1. News values
    2. Four Ws
    3. Roles of news media in society
  2. News Gathering and Reporting
    1. Interviews
    2. Observation
    3. Documents
    4. Note taking
    5. Sources
  3. News Style and Writing
    1. AP Stylebook
    2. Elements of a news story
    3. Leads and ledes
    4. Spelling, punctuating, capitalization, grammar
    5. Inverted pyramid and hourglass
  4. Ethics and Media Law
    1. Libel
    2. Public vs. privacy
    3. Freedom of Information Act
    4. Open meetings law
    5. Public’s right to know
    6. Reporter shield laws