Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EMT 140 - Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support

1.5 Credits, 2 Contact Hours
1 lecture period 1 lab period

Concepts and techniques for evaluating assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implementation of a field treatment plan for a trauma patient. Includes systemic approach to patient assessment and management, airway and ventilation management, shock, soft tissue and burn injuries, isolated and multi-systems trauma, and various types of trauma patients.

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Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Formulate a field impression for a trauma patient through a systemic approach/patient assessment.
  2. Implement a field treatment plan for a trauma patient to include:
    1. Management of the airway through ventilation.
    2. Management of shock.
    3. Management of tissue and burn.
  3. Recognize multi-systems trauma patients.
  4. Recognize and implement a field treatment plan for mass casualty incidents.

Performance Objectives:
  1. Apply the principles of kinematics to enhance the patient assessment and predict the likelihood of injuries based on the patient’s mechanism of injury, address special safety criteria, and manage special operations.
  2. Explain and perform the systematic approaches to patient assessment and management.
  3. Identify and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for airway management, ventilation and oxygen therapy.
  4. State and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the patient in shock.
  5. Synthesize and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the patient with soft tissues and burn injuries.
  6. Identify and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the patient with isolated and multi-systems trauma.
  7. Identify and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for trauma involving the pediatric patient.
  8. Identify and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for trauma involving the geriatric patient.
  9. Identify and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for trauma involving the obstetric patient.
  10. Name and utilize the assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for trauma involving patients under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
  11. Utilize assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for traumatic cardiac arrest.
  12. Identify common communicable diseases and explain blood and body fluid precautions.
  13. Examine common trends and changes in healthcare, and demonstrate the ability to integrate roles and responsibilities by formulating a field impression and implementing simulated patient care following guidelines, protocols, and standing orders.

  1. Introduction
    1. Definition of trauma and societal impacts
    2. Scene size-up, safety and infection control
    3. Mechanisms of injury and building on the indices of suspicion
  2. Systematic Approach To Patient Assessment And Management
    1. Initial assessment and managing life threatening conditions to airway, breathing, and circulation
    2. Focused physical exam and managing potentially life-threatening injuries
  3. Airway and Ventilation
    1. Anatomy and physiology
    2. Techniques for opening and clearing an airway
    3. Basic airway adjuncts
    4. Advanced airway adjuncts
    5. Invasive procedures for airway and ventilation
    6. Ventilation and oxygen therapy
  4. Shock                
    1. Definition, stages and signs and symptoms of shock.
    2. Shock classifications and assessment and management-specific criteria for the different classifications of shock.
    3. Formulating a field impression and implementing a treatment plan based on the mechanism(s) of illness and injury for the shock patient.
  5. Soft Tissues And Burn Injuries
    1. Definition, mechanisms, and classifications
    2. Assessment and management-specific criteria for the different classifications of soft tissue and burn injuries.
    3. Formulating a field impression and implementing a treatment plan based on the mechanism(s) of illness and injury for the burn patient.
  6. Isolated And Multi-Systems Trauma
    1. Head and facial injuries
    2. Spinal cord injuries
    3. Thoracic trauma
    4. Abdominal-pelvic injuries
    5. Musculo-skeletal trauma
    6. Multi-systems trauma
    7. Medical insult and trauma
    8. Formulating a field impression and implementing a treatment plan based on the mechanism(s) of illness and injury for the burn patient.
  7. Pediatric Trauma
    1. Communications and the historian
    2. Physical, psychological, and social considerations
    3. Anatomical features and assessment considerations
    4. Common injuries and their management
    5. Child safety restraint systems
  8. Geriatric Trauma
    1. Pathophysiology of aging
    2. Assessment and management considerations
    3. Rapid survey and the focused exam
  9. Obstetrical Trauma
    1. Maternal and fetal anatomy and physiology
    2. Compensatory mechanisms for the injured mother and fetus
    3. Assessment and management considerations
    4. Types of injury and their management
  10. Trauma Patients Under The Influence Of Alcohol And Drugs
    1. Physiological and behavioral complications
    2. Assessment and management considerations
  11. Traumatic Cardiopulmonary Arrest
    1. Priority in care and communications
    2. Assessment and management considerations
  12. Infectious Diseases And Prevention Of Transmission
    1. Airborne Diseases
    2. Blood borne diseases
    3. Body substance isolation and infection control
  13. Integration
    1. Current trends and changes
    2. Demonstration of skills and knowledge competencies