Jan 15, 2025  
2021-2022 College Catalog 
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

VET 150LB - Clinical Veterinary Pharmacology Laboratory

1 Credits, 2 Contact Hours
0 lecture periods 2 lab periods

Introduction to regulations of biologics and pharmaceuticals. Includes classification, dosage calculations, labeling, logging and packaging of drugs.

Prerequisite(s): Within the last two years: C or better in VET 112IN  and VET 115IN  
Corequisite(s): VET 114 , VET 120 VET 150 VET 205 , and VET 210  
 button image Prior Learning and link to PLA webpage

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Label, prepare, and package dispensed drugs correctly.
  2. Calculate dosages.
  3. Store, inventory, safely handle and dispose of biologics and therapeutic agents, pesticides, and hazardous wastes.
  4. Log and maintain controlled substances within regulatory guidelines.

  1. Dosage Forms and Preparations
    1. Solids
    2. Solutions
    3. Suspensions
    4. Topical
    5. Injectables
    6. Vaccinations
  2. Prescription and Dispensing Medication
    1. Prescription components
      1. Terminology
      2. Abbreviation
    2. Containers
    3. Labeling
    4. Packaging
    5. Prescription vs. over-the-counter drugs
    6. Client education surrounding drugs dispensed from a clinic
  3. Drug Doses and Calculations
    1. Weights
    2. Measures
    3. Ratios
    4. Calculation
      1. Dimensional Analysis
      2. Administrative Rates
      3. Dilutions
        1. Stock liquids
        2. Stock dissolved
    5. Dosage regimen
  4. Storing, Handling, Logging and Disposing of Drugs
    1. Environment
    2. Controlled substances
    3. Biologic agents
    4. Therapeutic agents
    5. Disinfectant classification and application
    6. Pesticides
    7. Hazardous wastes
    8. Inventory control
    9. Reconstituting injectable and oral medications
  5. Fluid Therapy
    1. Calculating patient maintenance, deficit, and on-going losses
    2. Emergency, Replacement and Maintenance
    3. Electrolyte therapy
    4. PPN and TPN therapy
  6. Toxicology in Small Animal Medicine
    1. Terminology
    2. Common Agents
    3. Decontamination procedures
    4. Antidote therapies
    5. Supportive care principles
  7. Drugs used in Emergency Situations

Effective Term:
Full Academic Year 2021/22