Jan 13, 2025
2024-2025 College Catalog
MDA 121 - Medical Assistant Skills for Success 2 Credits, 2 Contact Hours 2 lecture periods 0 lab periods Professional and personal success tools and strategies to assure a seamless transition to a professional medical assistant career. Includes communication techniques, licensure, scope of practice, reporting and balancing personal health, emotional well-being, and financial stability. Also includes insights into completion of an externship followed by approaches to identifying employment opportunities, developing a personal profile, resume, and follow up correspondence.
Information: Students must be admitted to the Medical Assistant program or obtain consent of instructor before enrolling in this course.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Explain the positive and negative aspects of all forms of verbal and non-verbal communication based on the surrounding circumstances, message content and delivery, and the receiver’s ability to fully comprehend information.
- Develop a plan for completing a medical assistant externship utilizing skills learned and practices in the medical assistant program.
- Describe and implement the processes and procedures for creating a personal and professional portfolio, developing a résumé, performing an employment search, and completing an interview.
- Concepts of Effective Communication
- Verbal communication
- Styles
- Types
- Oral communication using a sender-receiver process
- Non-verbal communication
- Respond to non-verbal communication
- Barriers to communication
- Language
- Developmental Stage
- Culture
- Perception
- Electronic Medical Record (EMR) use in medical practice
- Electronic technology in professional communication
- Professional correspondence utilizing electronic technology
- Accurate pronunciation and correct use of medical terminology
- Professional telephone techniques
- Telephone message documentation
- Feedback techniques
- Reflection
- Restatement
- Clarification
- Emergency plan for natural disaster or other emergency
- Community Resources
- Legal Implications
- Medical assistant scope of practice and standards of care
- Licensure and certification
- Types of insurance
- Liability
- Professional (malpractice)
- Personal injury
- Worker’s rights and responsibilities
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Violence in the workplace
- Employment issues
- Legal and illegal interview questions
- Compliance reporting:
- Unsafe activities
- Errors in patient care
- Conflicts in interest
- Incident reports
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Patient Bill of Rights
- Ethical Considerations
- Theories
- Maslow
- Erikson
- Kubler-Ross
- Response(s) to ethical issues
- Empathy
- Active listening
- Individual diversity
- Gender
- Race
- Religion
- Age
- Economic status
- Appearance
- Personal and professional ethics
- Coach patients
- Cultural diversity
- Developmental life stage
- Safety
- Professional/Provider Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Documentation of professional/provider level (CPR)
- Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
- Blood borne pathogen training
- Disposal of hazardous materials
- Personal and Professional Advancement
- Focus and personal goals
- Physical health
- Emotional stability and support
- Financial sustainability
- Self-boundaries
- Positive cognitive statements
- Self-concept and self-image
- Communication for positive results
- Behaviors in professional communication
- Assertive
- Aggressive
- Passive
- Externship Preparedness
- Expectations
- Roles and responsibilities
- Policies and procedures
- Follow up and evaluation
- Employment
- Portfolio Development
- Academic
- Career
- Personal
- Fundamental writing skills
- Chronological résumé
- Cover letter
- Job application
- Interview note
- Resources
- Job search skills
- Interview techniques
Effective Term: Full Academic Year 2016/17