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2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

LGM 104 - Computerized Logistics

3 Credits, 4 Contact Hours
2 lecture periods 2 lab periods
Analysis of the use of computers in the logistics industry and an introduction to available logistics software. Includes the need for computers, the history and future of computers in the logistics industry, and the impact of computers on customer service. Also includes logistics software availability, selection and implementation, and security measures.

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Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Discuss the need for computer support in the logistics industry.
  2. Analyze how computers are integrated in the logistics industry.
  3. Explain how computers have changed the logistics industry and future projections.
  4. Relate the use of computers to customer service in the logistics industry.
  5. Assess the types of software/hardware available in the logistics industry.
  6. Describe logistics software selection and implementation procedures.
  7. Summarize security measure for computers in logistics.
  8. Demonstrate the use of database and spreadsheet software for logistics.

  I.    The Need for Computers in the Logistics Industry

 II.    Computer Integration in the Logistics Industry

III.    How Computers Have Changed the Logistics Industry

        A.    Transportation planning and scheduling

        B.    Inventory control

        C.    Product serialization

        D.    Traceability

IV.    The Future of Computer Support in the Logistics Industry

V.    Computers and Customer Service in the Logistics Industry

        A.    Enhancing service through customer friendly technology

        B.    Improved communication through technology

        C.    Availability of online services (E-commerce)

        D.    Assess customer needs to capture appropriate data

VI.    The Types of Software Available in the Logistics Industry

        A.    Exercises in Microsoft Access

        B.    Exercises in Microsoft Excel

VII.    Logistics Software Selection and Implementation Procedures

VIII.    Computer Security measures for Logistics

IX.    Common Systems Used in Logistics

X.    UNEDIFACT (United Nations Electronic Data Interchange For Administration Commerce and Transport):  Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) codes

Effective Term:
Fall 2016