Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

CUL 185 - Catering Operations

3 Credits, 5 Contact Hours
1 lecture period 4 lab periods
Theory and practice of planning and executing catering functions. Includes booking and planning, banquet room set-up and staffing, banquet service, guest payment and follow up, and specialized functions.

Prerequisite(s): CUL 105  and CUL 140 .
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Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and describe the basic elements of a catering function.

2. Explain the booking and planning process of a catering function.

3. Describe the appropriate methods of scheduling space, set-up and staffing of a banquet room along with the proper methods of etiquette for banquet food & beverage service.

4. Describe methods of customer contact and follow up, including menu planning and incidental arrangements and procedures for payment.

5. Identify and describe particular needs of special banquet functions.

6. Execute various catering functions.

  1. Catering: Booking and Planning
    1. Evaluation
      1. Number of guests and space requirements
      2. Time requirements
      3. Type of meal and service
      4. Incidental requirements and arrangements
    2. Booking Space/Function Arrangements
      1. Arranging space and room set-up
      2. Ordering incidentals
      3. Scheduling staff
  2. Banquet Room Set-up and Staffing
    1. Meeting arrangements
    2. Dining arrangements
  3. Customer Contact
    1. Menu Planning
    2. Incidental Arrangements
  4. Banquet Service
    1. Beverage service/cocktail parties
    2. Food service
      1. Preparation and set-up
      2. Guest service
      3. Clearing and cleaning up
  5. Guest Payment and Follow Up
    1. Methods of Payment
      1. Deposits and partial payments
      2. Billing arrangements
    2. Follow up
      1. Thank you letters
      2. Evaluations
      3. File systems for future
  6. Special Functions
    1. Weddings
      1. Requirements
      2. Service and servers
      3. Follow-up
    2. Buffets
      1. Requirements
      2. Theme parties
      3. Service and servers
      4. Follow up
    3. Outside Catering Functions
      1. Requirements/limitations
      2. Service and servers
      3. Follow-up

Effective Term:
Full Academic Year 2019/2020