Mar 06, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

BUS 296 - Independent Study in Business

3 Credits, 3 Contact Hours
3 lecture periods 0 lab periods
Independent study projects or special interest areas in business under the supervision of a faculty member. Student projects may come from any academic discipline with a business focus; applying business, management, operations or entrepreneurial mindset to any interdisciplinary domain of knowledge.

Information: Consent of instructor is required before enrolling in this course. If this course is repeated, see a financial aid or Veterans Affairs advisor to determine funding eligibility as appropriate. 
Button linking to AZ Transfer course equivalency guide  

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate the ability to apply academic-specific and cumulative knowledge acquired in the student’s major or certificate program to an applied project or research paper. 

  1. Student Collaborates with Instructor
    1. Determine Subject Matter of Applied Project or Research Project/Paper
    2. Student writes draft proposal to include:
      1. Objectives
      2. Books and other course materials
      3. Relevant prior academic course projects/work/resources to be included in project
      4. Assignments/activities
      5. Timeline and Milestones
      6. Deliverables
      7. Evaluation criteria/grading
    3. Student completes and submits proposal 
    4. Proposal approved
  2. Student Completes and Submits Applied Project or Research Project/Paper

Effective Term:
Fall 2023