Jun 15, 2024  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Legend for Courses

HC/HN: Honors Course  IN/IH: Integrated lecture/lab  LB: Lab  LC: Clinical Lab  LS: Skills Lab  WK: Co-op Work
SUN#: is a prefix and number assigned to certain courses that represent course equivalency at all Arizona community colleges and the three public universities. Learn more at www.aztransfer.com/sun.


Wellness Education

  • WED 110 - Introduction to Complementary & Alternative Medicine

    3 Credits, 3 Contact Hours
    3 lecture periods 0 lab periods

    Definition of health; exploration of mind-body-spirit connection in health; various therapeutic modalities; identification of strengths and limitations of alternative therapies. Also includes development of ability to critically review written material in the alternative therapy area.

      button image Prior Learning and link to PLA webpage

    Course Learning Outcomes
    1. Apply concepts of massage therapy modalities and the anatomical relationships to these modalities.
    2. Demonstrate ethical therapeutic relationships.

    Performance Objectives:
    1. Identify and compare a variety of definitions of health. 
    2. Describe the mind-body-spirit connection in health. 
    3. Identify and explore a variety of therapeutic modalities. 
    4. Identify both the strengths and limitations of alternative therapies in the creation of health.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to critically review written material in the area of alternative therapies. 

    1. Definitions of Health
      1. Healing vs. curing
      2. Achieving balance
      3. Trend toward wellness and prevention
      4. Personally defined
    2. Mind-Body-Spirit Connection in Health
      1. Concept of mind-body-spirit and emotion
      2. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
      3. Personal responsibility as a healer
      4. Placebo effect
    3. Therapeutic Modalities
      1. Naturopathic Medicine
      2. Spiritualizing/Prayer
      3. Ayurvedic medicine/Yoga
      4. Traditional Chinese Medicine
      5. Energy medicine
      6. Meditation
      7. Other
    4. Aspects of Alternative Therapeutic Modalities
      1. Origin
      2. Strengths
      3. Limitations
      4. Practitioners
        1. Educational requirements
        2. Licensure
      5. Cost
    5. Critical Review of Literature Pertinent to Alternative Medicine
      1. Credibility of author
      2. Credibility of source
      3. Personal usefulness of information

  • WED 111 - Self Care for Personal Wellness

    2 Credits, 2 Contact Hours
    2 lecture periods 0 lab periods

    Emphasis on mind-body methods for personal wellness through integration of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of being. Development of a personal practice to achieve and sustain a balanced program to support personal health and well being.

      button image Prior Learning and link to PLA webpage

    Course Learning Outcomes
    1. Apply concepts of massage therapy modalities and the anatomical relationships to these modalities.
    2. Analyze professional development strategies.

    Performance Objectives:
    1. Perform and complete a personal wellness assessment and inventory.
    2. List and describe the factors that can influence wellness.
    3. List and describe the methods of self-regulation practices.
    4. Assess the indications and contraindications for self-regulation practices.
    5. Plan, prepare, and practice a personal self-care plan to meet physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual demands.
    6. Plan and integrate a sound nutritional eating strategy for a self-care plan.
    7. Create and maintain a journal to enhance success for a self-care plan.
    8. Develop and practice a personal exercise routine that cultivates strength, endurance, and balance

    1. Personal Wellness
      1. Assessment
        1. The Wellness Energy System
        2. Other
      2. Inventory
        1. Breathing
        2. Eating
        3. Sensing
        4. Moving
        5. Feeling
        6. Thinking
        7. Communicating
        8. Finding meaning
        9. Working/playing
        10. Transcending
        11. Sexuality
    2. Factors Influencing Wellness
      1. Mental
      2. Emotional
      3. Spiritual
      4. Physical
      5. Environmental
      6. Nutritional
      7. Leisure
      8. Occupational
      9. Social
      10. Cultural
    3. Self-Regulation Practices
      1. Methods
        1. Biofeedback
        2. Self-hypnosis
        3. Breathing
        4. Relaxation
        5. Meditation
        6. Imagery/visualization
        7. Movement/exercise
      2. Indications
      3. Contraindications
    4. Self-Care Plan
      1. Components
        1. Physical
        2. Emotional
        3. Cognitive
        4. Spiritual
        5. Nutritional
      2. Plan
      3. Prepare
      4. Practice
      5. Journal
    5. Personal Exercise Routine
      1. Components
        1. Strength
        2. Endurance
          1. Cardiovascular
          2. Muscular
        3. Flexibility
        4. Body composition
      2. Development
      3. Practice