Mar 29, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog 
2019-2020 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Student Life


Student Affairs

Student services are available at campus Student Services Centers. Students can receive student virtual support services via phone or email. Virtual services include general information, registration, advising, financial aid, tutoring and other support. Visit for more information.


Admissions and registration services are available year-round by visiting a campus Student Services Center or our virtual support. For prospective students visit and for current students visit


Advisors and counselors are available year-round to help students choose courses and make decisions that best meet their educational needs. Both walk-in service and appointments are available. Students should meet with an advisor, counselor, or faculty member at least once each semester to discuss proper course selection. Visit or for more information.


Evaluation of a student’s skill level in English, mathematics, reading and writing is essential for proper placement in courses and programs at the College. The College utilizes two methods to determine placement, Multiple Measures and Accuplacer placement tests. Students who are required to take the Accuplacer placement tests must start with the pre-placement tutorial in MyPima, under the New Students tab. Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the tests. Placement tests are offered at campus Testing Centers. Arrangements for qualified disabled students (such as extended time, large print, writing assistants and interpreters) are available through the Access and Disability Resources office.


Similar classes held on different campuses may have different textbook requirements. Students should be sure they are purchasing the correct books for the location of their classes. The bookstore staff is available to assist students in selecting appropriate textbooks based on instructor and course reference number. For textbook information and ordering, visit the bookstore website at


Food and beverage options are available at the Downtown, Northwest, West, East and Desert Vista campuses. All College locations offer snack and beverage vending.

Police Department

The mission of the PCC Police Department is to provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors that supports the learning experience. PCC Police can be contacted 24/7, 365 days a year at 520 206-2700. Additional information and programs can be found at

DPS provides an annual crime statistics and Clery Crime Act Report that includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by the Pima County Community College District, and on property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. Additional information can be found at

Career Services, Jobs and Internship Information

Career counseling is available at Student Services Centers and virtually. Counselors can assist students in deciding on a college major and on a career that matches their interests, skills, and personality. For more information, visit

Looking for a job or internship? MyCareerLink is the College’s free online employment search portal. MyCareerLink, can be accessed through your MyPima account. For more information, visit

Access and Disability Resources

Access and Disability Resources (ADR) collaborates with PCC students, faculty, staff, and the community to promote equal access to college programming for students with disabilities and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as well as other applicable federal and state laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. No qualified person will, solely by reason of disability, be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of any program, activity, or service offered by the College.

Upon request, reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments will be made for individuals determined to be eligible for services. See for more information or contact ADR at any campus location

Financial Aid

Students may be able to pay for their education through various grant, loans, and scholarship programs. Although the federal government provides the largest amount of aid, Pima Community College and private donors also provide funds. For more information visit


Students interested in purchasing health insurance under the Affordable Health Care Act can research their options at

International Student Services

The Center for International Education and Global Engagement,

Student Services CC DC DVC DMAFB EC NWC WC Virtual
Access and Disability Resources
Admissions and Registration  
Career Services  
Campus Police    
Financial Aid    
International Student Services              
Job Information  
New Student Registration Sessions    
Placement Testing    
Student ID Cards      
Transcripts (official)    
Veterans Services  
CC = Community Campus DMAFB = Davis-Monthan AFB NWC = Northwest Campus
DC = Downtown Campus Education Center WC = West Campus
DVC = Desert Vista Campus EC = East Campus  

located at West Campus, was established to help international students reach their educational goals. For more information, call 520-206-6732 or visit

Library Services

Pima Community College provides library services such as research help and access to articles, books, video, study tools and more, through locations at each campus and a robust website. Visit for more information.

New Student Orientation

All new students attending college for the first time must attend a New Student Orientation to meet their advisor or counselor, learn about College resources and get registered for their first semester. Sessions are offered in-person and online. Before doing so, students must be admitted to the College and take the placement tests or have completed Multiple Measures. Visit or contact a Student Services Center for more information.

Parking and Bus Service

Free parking is provided at all Pima Community College campuses. However, students are responsible for reading and understanding the College’s parking and traffic regulations. For complete information on parking and traffic regulations, see the Pima County Community College District Parking & Traffic Regulations for Motor Vehicles, Bicycles and Non-Pedestrian Devices, available at campus libraries and online at For information regarding how to obtain disabled parking permits, contact an Access and Disability Resources (ADR) specialist.

To organize a carpool, call RideShare (520-884-7433) or visit for more information. For students interested in riding the public bus, SunTran provides bus service to all campuses. Please visit for schedule information and trip planning tools. In accordance with A.R.S. 15-4444D, all vehicles allowed to park in any Pima Community College parking lot must comply with the emissions standard as stated in A.R.S. 49-542.

Student Identification Cards

A student identification card provides access to PCC libraries, bookstores, testing centers, athletics facilities, and computer labs. Students may add value to their ID card to pay for printing in College libraries and labs. Students may use their PCC ID to receive discounts on many events in Tucson. ID Cards can be obtained at a campus.


Official and unofficial transcripts may be obtained by visiting


Free tutoring is available in a variety of subjects for students who need help in their studies. Contact a campus Learning Center for additional information or visit

Student Life

Pima Community College offers a rewarding environment for its students. There are opportunities to get together to share common interests, celebrate diverse cultures, enjoy various cultural events, and much more. In addition, there are avenues available to develop and demonstrate leadership qualities and to be a voice within the College. Specific information on student activity boards, student clubs and organizations, and cultural events is available at campus Student Life offices or by visiting

Performing Arts

PCC performing arts include Dance, Music and Theatre Arts programs with performance experience at the Center for the Arts on West Campus. The Performing Arts Department presents student performances and live arts events at the Center for the Arts throughout the year. Discounted rates to performances are available to students with a valid PCC Student ID. For more information about PCC Performing Arts contact 520-206-6973. For more information about performance schedules and tickets, call the Center for the Arts, 520-206-6986 or visit

Phi Theta Kappa

The College offers membership in Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), an international honors society. The members of this society have the prestige of membership, leadership opportunities, availability of honor society scholarships, involvement in community projects, and acquaintance with other honor society members.

For additional information, contact a campus honors coordinator. To reach one near you, visit


Students interested in writing, editing, and reporting can work for one of Pima’s two student publications. Aztec Press, located at the West Campus, is a bi-monthly newspaper that provides students an opportunity to learn journalism. Pima also has a literary magazine. Students interested may enroll in WRT 162-Literary Magazine Workshop. The workshop annually publishes SandScript, which contains literary pieces, including those from students, faculty, and staff. The magazine also sponsors an annual art contest for its cover and center pages. Sandscript is also located at the West Campus. For more information, please visit

Sports - Intercollegiate Athletics

Pima Community College is a member of the Arizona Community College Athletic Association, National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), and the NJCAA Region 1. The NJCAA sets the rules for who can participate (eligibility requirements). The basic requirements are that the athletes be full-time enrolled students, be making progress in their studies (satisfactory academic progress), and that they have received medical clearance to participate. Pima competes in a variety of sports: baseball (men), basketball (men and women), cross-country (men and women), golf (men and women), soccer (men and women), softball (women), tennis (men and women), track and field (men and women), and volleyball (women). Please visit our website for more information (

Student Housing

Pima Community College does not own or operate student housing, either on campus or in the community.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Information

Pima Community College is committed to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226, 20 U.S.C. §1145g). Please visit for more information.

Student Code of Conduct & Academic Integrity Code

Pima Community College provides a safe and stimulating environment for the exchange of knowledge. We encourage reasoned discussion, intellectual honesty, and respect for the rights of all persons.

The Student Code of Conduct provides you with information about your responsibilities as a student regarding appropriate behavior and respect for others in the College community as well as acts and omissions relating to academic conduct. Please visit for more information.