Feb 03, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog 
2019-2020 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computer Systems Administration/Networking, AAS

Learn to Install and administer computer systems, networking technologies, and network analysis. Courses also provide preparatory knowledge for industry accepted credentials or for transfer to a bachelors in cyber defense and forensics.

What can I do with this degree?

Career Options: Computer and systems administration in Microsoft and Linux, Cisco Networking, or as a Cybersecurity analyst.
Academic Options: The cybersecurity focus of this program was designed to transfer to the University of Arizona South’s Cyber Defense and Forensics Track. This program may apply toward a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS). See an advisor.

Department/Contact Information:

Dean: 206-7694 (East Campus)

Program/Major/Concentration Codes: AASCOMPSYSAD/CSN1

General Education Requirements

A grade of C or better is required for graduation. Course lists for each General Education category listed below can be found starting in the General Education Requirements for AAS Degrees .

Communication Requirement: †

Arts and Humanities Requirement: 3-4

Social and Behavioral Science Requirement: 3

Mathematics and Science Requirement: 3

Other Requirement: 3

Special Requirements

Subtotal: 15-16¥

Complete one of the following focus areas: 8-9

Meeting with a program advisor is recommended in the selection of the focus areas.

Subtotal: 45-46

Required Support Courses

Subtotal: 1

Total Credits as Displayed: 61-63

† Core or support course(s) fulfill this requirement.
¥ General Education requires a minimum of 15 credits. This subtotal shows the Gen Ed credits not fulfilled by core or support courses.