2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College Readiness and Student Success
The division’s mission is to support and empower students to succeed academically, professionally, and personally. We accomplish this by providing access to learning opportunities, tools, materials and spaces designed to support student success.
Jeff Thies, Ph.D.
Downtown Campus, LB 173
Darla Aguilar, Department Head - ICS courses, daguilar@pima.edu
Amy Davis, Department Head - STU courses, acdavis6@pima.edu
Ed Gallagher, Program Manager for Learning Centers, egallagher@pima.edu
Chelsea James, Director of College Testing and Placement, cjames2@pima.edu
Diane VanderPol, Director of the Library, dvanderpol@pima.edu
College Success Coaches:
Pedro Gonzalez, MA, pggonzalez@pima.edu
Christina Gartelos-Perez, MA, cperez77@pima.edu
ICS 081 - Integrated College Skills (Mathematics)
STU 100 - College Success and Career Planning
STU 102 - Personal Finance
STU 105 - Math Success Skills
STU 106 - Choosing a Major and College Success
STU 107 - University Transfer Exploration, Preparation and College Success
STU 109 - Making Career Choices
STU 150 - Becoming a Master Student
STU 200 - Becoming a Critical Thinker
STU 210UA - University of Arizona Transition
STU 210UT - University Transition