Jan 31, 2025  
DRAFT 2025-2026 College Catalog DRAFT 
DRAFT 2025-2026 College Catalog DRAFT [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

HIT 201 - Advanced ICD Coding

3 Credits, 5 Contact Hours
2 lecture periods 3 lab periods

Advanced use of references and source documents for outpatient and inpatient hospital coding. Includes interpretation of International Classification Diseases (ICD), Clinical Modification (CM), and Procedural Coding System (PCS) guidelines relative to application of inpatient and outpatient diagnostic and procedural codes.

Prerequisite(s): HIT 101  
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Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply diagnosis/procedure codes according to current guidelines.
  2. Evaluate the accuracy of diagnostic and procedural coding.
  3. Interpret Present on Admission guidelines.
  4. Develop appropriate physician queries to resolve data and coding discrepancies.
  5. Evaluate the consequence of a breach of healthcare ethics.

Performance Objectives:
  1. Interpret the ICD-10-CM Guidelines for Coding and Reporting (OGCR)
  2. Apply ICD-10-CM OGCR chapter specific guidelines to inpatient diagnostic code assignments and code sequence.
  3. Utilize the ICD-10-CM Index and Tabular to correctly interpret principal diagnoses codes and additional diagnoses.
  4. Apply ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting (OGCR) and chapter specific instructions to outpatient diagnostic code assignments and code sequence.
  5. Interpret ICD-10-PCS Code Book Structure.
  6. Utilize the ICD-10-PCS Index and Tabular to correctly assign procedure codes.
  7. Abstract data from medical chart in order to select proper diagnostic codes.
  8. Interpret Present on Admission (POA) guidelines.
  9. Perform auditing and analysis of reports and patient charts to ensure quality control and management including reference to fraud and abuse issues utilizing the National Correct Coding Initiative.

  1. ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines
    1. Conventions
    2. General guidelines
    3. Chapter-specific guidelines
  2. Diagnostic Coding for Inpatient Services Principal Diagnosis
    1. Selection
    2. Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS)
    3. Criteria
    4. Sequencing
    5. Admissions and encounters
  3. ICD-10 Index and Tabular
    1. General rules
    2. Signs and symptoms
    3. Previous conditions
    4. Abnormal findings
    5. Uncertain diagnosis
  4. Diagnostic Coding for Outpatient Services
    1. First-listed condition
    2. Accuracy
    3. Signs and symptoms
    4. Reason for encounter
    5. Level of detail
  5. ICD-10 Procedural Coding System (PCS) Structure
    1. Guidelines
    2. Root operation groups
    3. Index and Tabular
    4. Code sections        
  6. ICD-10 PCS Official Guidelines
    1. Selection of principal procedure
    2. Body System
    3. Root operation
    4. Body part
    5. Approach
    6. Device
  7. Patient Records
    1. Diagnostic statements
    2. Procedural statements
    3. Patient records and source documents
  8. Present on Admission (POA) Reporting Guidelines
    1. General reporting
    2. Timeframe
    3. POA indicator
    4. Acute and Chronic conditions
    5. Obstetrical conditions
  9. Audit and Analysis          
    1. Quality control
    2. Fraud and abuse
    3. National Correct Coding Initiative