Jan 31, 2025
DRAFT 2025-2026 College Catalog DRAFT [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIO 205IN - Microbiology [SUN# BIO 2205] 4 Credits, 6 Contact Hours 3 lecture periods 3 lab periods
Overview of the microbial world (bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses). Includes microbial cell structure and function, diversity of microorganisms, growth, metabolism, microbial genetics, the identification of microorganisms, and the role of microorganisms in disease and immunity. Also includes principles of microbial control, antibiotic resistance, epidemiology and pathogenesis, as well as laboratory exercises to provide first hand experience with the organisms and processes discussed in lecture.
Prerequisite(s): BIO 156IN , or BIO 181IN , or BIO 201IH , or BIO 201IN , or required score on the Biology assessment test. Recommendation: Completion of CHM 130IN or equivalent. If any recommended course is taken, see a financial aid or Veteran’s Affairs advisor to determine funding eligibility as appropriate. Gen-Ed: Meets AGEC - SCI; Meets CTE - M&S.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of the physiological differences among various cellular and acellular microbes.
- Demonstrate an understanding of microbial adaptation to selective forces, including chemotherapeutic agents and the immune system.
- Generate and incorporate experimental data to draw conclusions about the nature or identity of microbes.
Performance Objectives:
- Demonstrate communication and critical thinking skills.
- Discuss selected microorganisms and the important role they play in humans.
- Describe cellular processes such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
- Describe the basic structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms and viruses.
- Demonstrate proficiency with a light microscope and common microscopic techniques.
- Transfer, culture and identify microorganisms using proper techniques.
- Demonstrate aseptic technique, and proper disposal methods.
- Describe the principles underlying methods of sterilization, disinfection, and chemotherapy.
- Explain processes by which bacteria adapt and become resistant to antibiotics.
- Discuss pathogenicity factors of microorganisms.
- Discuss specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms of the body and how they protect the body from disease.
- Describe mechanisms of immune disorders.
- Scope and History of Microbiology
- Cell Structure and Function
- Eukaryotic cells
- Prokaryotic cells
- Microbial Metabolism
- Basic chemical reactions underlying metabolism
- Microbial Nutrition and Growth
- Growth requirements
- Cultivation of microorganisms
- Controlling Microbial Growth in the Environment
- Basic principles of microbial control
- Physical agents
- Chemical agents
- Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body
- Mechanisms of antimicrobial action
- Resistance to antimicrobial drugs
- Characterizing and Classifying Prokaryotes using Classical methods and DNA Technology
- Survey of archaea
- Survey of bacteria
- Characterizing and Classifying Eukaryotes
- Virology
- Infection, Infectious Diseases, and Epidemiology
- Microbe: host interaction
- Modes of transmission of disease
- Epidemiology
- Selected Microbial Diseases of Various Body Systems
- Body Defenses
- Non-specific (innate immunity)
- Specific immunity
- Immunization
- Immune Disorders
- Hypersensitivities
- Autoimmune diseases
- Immunodeficiency diseases