Jan 13, 2025
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NDT 107 - Radiographic Testing (RT) Level I 3 Credits, 3 lecture periods 0 lab periods
Introduces the principles used to effectively perform film interpretation, to include determining film quality, analyzing the image, and reporting the results. Includes an emphasis on the interpretation of discontinuities typically found in weldments.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate proficient knowledge of radiographic testing.
- Demonstrate proficient knowledge of the types of radiation.
- Demonstrate proficient knowledge of how to set up and calibrate NDT equipment.
- Demonstrate proficient knowledge of radiographic testing applications in industry.
- Introduction
- Process of radiography
- Types of electromagnetic radiation sources
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Penetrating ability
- Spectrum of x-ray tube source
- Spectrum of gamma radioisotope source
- X-ray tube
- Basic Principles of Radiography
- Geometric exposure principles
- Shadow formation
- Shadow enlargement
- Shadow sharpness
- Geometric unsharpness
- Finding discontinuity depth
- Radiographic screens
- Radiographic cassettes
- Composition of industrial radiographic film
- The heel effect
- Radiographs
- Formation of latent image on film
- Inherent unsharpness
- Arithmetic of radiographic exposure
- Characteristic curve
- Film speed
- Selection of film for specific purpose
- Radiographic Image Quality
- Radiographic sensitivity
- Radiographic contrast
- Film contrast
- Subject contrast
- Definition
- Film graininess
- Image quality indicators
- Film Handling, Loading and Processing
- Safelight and dark room practices
- Loading bench
- Opening of film boxes and packets
- Loading of film and sealing cassettes
- Handling techniques for “green film”
- Elements of manual processing
- Exposure Techniques - Radiography
- Single wall radiography
- Double wall radiography
- Panoramic radiography
- Use of multiple film loading
- Specimen configuration
- Fluoroscopic Techniques
- Dark adaptation
- Special scattered radiation
- Sensitivity
- Limitations
- Direct screen viewing
- Indirect screen viewing
- Review of Basic Principles
- Interaction of radiation with matter
- Math review
- Exposure calculations
- Geometric exposure
- Radiographic image quality parameters
Effective Term: Fall 2023